TagInformed Betting Decisions

Top 10 Lotto Betting Do’s and Don’ts


Everyone wants a short cut in his life. Those short cuts are available in different forms. One of them is the lottery. Some, no matter what the consequences are, risk their whole money and fail to give a big bang for their bucks. Let's discuss the many don'ts which help you understand the lottery better.

10 Lottery Strategy Myths Debunked


No one can beat the odds of a random event, but many players continue to devise a lottery strategy to circumvent the odds. However, many of these methods are based on misconceptions about how the game works. Whatever you do, you always get the same probability as any other player. But you can be smarter. Since predicting the next winning numbers is difficult, you might as well play it right. Here...

How to Win Tattslotto According to Math


Want to learn how to win Tattslotto? If so, let me explain a mathematical strategy that works. Additionally, we will clear up some common myths and superstitions about the game. Before we discuss the nitty-gritty part, we first need to understand the odds of winning the game and its associated challenges. Knowing the rules is crucial so we can make smarter choices rather than picking numbers...

The Lottery Game Plan


Do you follow a lottery game plan when playing? If not, you must create one for yourself. The odds of the lottery are your tough enemy. Remember that only one combination will be picked to win the main prize out of millions of numbers. It’s the type of odds that no system can predict or manipulate, not even by your favorite psychic guy next door. Remember that there’s no way you can...

How to Win the Lottery According to Math


Winning the lottery is a life-changing moment. Get that one good win, and you’re all set. But how to win the lottery? Since a magical button is not available, mathematics remains the only tool to help. But before discussing the good news, allow me to talk about the bad news first. Once you understand the obstacle that prevents you from winning, developing a sensible lotto strategy that...

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