Know When to Skip and When to Play the Lottery


If you have enough savings to cover all the lines, then, you know you are ready to play the lottery.  But that doesn’t mean it’s the perfect time to play.

Timing is of the essence.

Let me explain the importance of following a specific pattern and knowing their frequency.

Lottery Patterns and Their Frequency

If you choose to play by focusing on a specific number pattern, then tracking the frequency of your pattern is important. Please read how to win the lottery according to math first for more information on this.

You are free to choose any patterns you wish to use. It is your money that you will spend. Yet as lottery authorities encourage players to play responsibly. So, you must know how to spend your lottery budget the best way possible.

One way to do this is by focusing on the best patterns for a specific game. The best patterns will give you the best value for money.

Suppose you will play in Louisiana Lottery Lotto 6/42. Let us pick 3 patterns from the table below and compare them.

For Louisiana Lottery Lotto 6/42, the best pattern is # 1 with probability value of 0.0576653337, 115 frequencies in 2,000 draws; 288 frequencies in 5,000 draws and 17 approximate intervals. One middle pattern is #15 with 0.0172996001 probability value; 35 occurrences in 2,000 draws; 86 occurrences in 5,000 draws and 58 approximate intervals. A worst pattern is #33 with 0.0113233746 probability value; 23 occurrences in 2,000 draws; 57 occurrences in 5,000 draws and 88 approximate intervals.

We can compute for the frequency of Pattern #1.

Expected Frequency (pattern #1) 
= 0.0576653337 x 2,000 
= about 115 occurrences

Let us also compute for the frequency of pattern #15.

Expected Frequency (pattern #15) 
= 0.0172996001 x 2,000 
= about 35 occurrences

Then there is also pattern #27.

Expected Frequency (pattern #15) 
= 0.0138396801 x 2,000 
= about 28 occurrences

Pattern # 1 offers the highest number of occurrences in 2,000 draws. It could appear 3 times more than pattern #15 and 4 times more than pattern # 27. We just compared the best pattern from middle and a worst pattern for 2,000 draws.

With more draws, there would still be a clear trend in the frequencies of these patterns.

In 5,000 draws the

Expected Frequency (pattern #1) 
= 0.0576653337 x 5,000 
= about 288 occurrences

For pattern #15

Expected Frequency (pattern #15) 
= 0.0172996001 x 2,000 
= about 86 occurrences

Then for pattern #27

Expected Frequency (pattern #15) 
= 0.0138396801 x 2,000 
= about 69 occurrences

Pattern # 1, being the best pattern, will always dominate the game as the number of draws approach infinity. As one best pattern, pattern #1 can give you fewer failures and more opportunities to win than the middle or worst patterns.

The best patterns are the most practical to play. They require fewer attempts for that opportunity to match the winning combination.

Pattern #27 offer the ratio of 1 to 71 so it needs 72 attempts for that one chance to win. For a game with 2 draws per week, you must play for 9 months.

The ratio offered by pattern #15 is 1 to 57, so 58 attempts can give that one chance to match the winning combination. This could take more than 7 months of playing regularly.

To match the winning combination using pattern #1, there should be 18 draws or attempts. This could mean playing for 2 months.

The expected frequency as computed through the Probability formula will allow you to determine how to time your play. For example, if your favorite pattern just appeared in yesterday’s draw, then it’s improbable that the same pattern will occur again in the next draw.  Most likely, it will take some more draws before the same pattern reoccur.

Mark the date when the last pattern occurred and compute the next possible occurrence in advance. You can use the calendar to help you schedule your next play.

Timing your play

Let us refer again to the table above to illustrate this.

The pattern #9 in 6/42 lottery system has a 0.0276793602 probability value.  The probability means that pattern #9 occurs approximately 3 times in 100 draws.  So if this pattern occurred yesterday’s draw, then most likely it will not appear in the next draw.  The probability measurement shows that you have to wait for roughly 36 ( possibly 34-38 because there is no way to determine the exact interval) draws before you play this pattern again.

Take note that the interval in between occurrences is just an estimated value. There is no way to determine the exact period within which a pattern will not occur.

Nonetheless, this should give you a simple deduction out of the approximate values.

If pattern #9 could 3 times in 100 draws, you need to wait for approximately 36 before you play it again.

Instead of staying totally idle, you could actually do something in favor of your games.

During this time that you are waiting for the right timing.  Take advantage of saving some money.

The best pattern to play

If pattern #9 takes about 36 draws in between occurrences, it means waiting for about 5 months. As I have pointed earlier, the best pattern to use is one that will not take long to appear. Therefore, pattern #1 remains the best pattern to play with.

In a 6/42 lottery system, patterns #2-#84 are not the best pattern to play.  I always suggest that you focus on the best ones.

If you play other lottery systems, then the probability may differ.  There is no one size fits all calculation in the lottery.

To make sure you are playing the right patterns, check out the lottery analysis section and see the best ones to play in your favorite lottery.

No assurance of winning

You have to understand that the lottery is truly a random game.  There is no assurance that the pattern will occur after the 18th draw.  It may occur earlier or later.  That’s why you have to start playing around the 14th draw.

You cannot predict the lottery.  Probability theory is just a guide.  It will tell you how many times a certain pattern will occur, but it will not tell you exactly when.

When the timing is ripe

And the savings are not ready yet, don’t play.  Please, don’t play.

But if the savings are ready, then go ahead.

Again, it has to be “savings” for your entertainment.  And when I talk about savings, I am talking about so many months of patiently setting aside money just for your lottery entertainment.

Now, I don’t want to be a killjoy. But if you realize that maybe it’s better to divert those savings into your retirement plan, then do it fast.

However, if you’re really into lottery entertainment, then go ahead.  After all, it’s your savings.  You’ve saved it and resist the temptation of playing the lottery for many months just for the right moment.  So I guess you deserve to have some fun.

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