It’s time to play the lottery. Great! But wait, you must know how to use math to win. I am talking about combinatorics and probability theory specifically.
One quote says this:
Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first 4 sharpening the axe.1
It’s the same thing in the lottery. The lottery is like a war. Your worst enemy is the odds of the lottery. Therefore, you must learn how to strategize and win.
Sun Tzu said:
The general who wins the battle makes many calculations in his temple before the battle is fought
Now that you want to play the lottery, I recommend that you stop and consider your strategy.
Here are some suggestions:
Table of Contents
Play the Dominant Composition
The key to picking good numbers is understanding the game’s dominant composition. Once you know the dominant composition, you will feel confident about making informed choices.
A composition with the best frequency ratio will give you more favorable shots and fewer ways to lose.
For example, choosing a more balanced composition of 3-odd and 2-even numbers will give you a favorable frequency ratio than combining purely even numbers (e.g., 2 4 6 8 10).
You will notice the difference if we compare the two compositions.

The table above shows that a 3-odd-2-even composition will give you 32 favorable shots in 100 draws. While betting on a 5-even number composition will only give you approximately three favorable shots.
As a lottery player, you don’t want to spend 100 tickets only to get 3 favorable shots. Do you?
Use Lotterycodex Templates
Odd and even numbers are not enough factors to analyze a lottery game. For example, this combination of 1 2 3 4 5 has balanced odd and even numbers, but many players will not play such a combination because their gut feeling tells them it cannot be right.
And they are right. According to probability theory, a truly random lottery spreads the probability fairly across the entire number field. A lottery draw will not favor low numbers over high numbers. So, following the law of large numbers, most winning combinations are balanced 3 low and 2 high numbers.
So, just because a combination has balanced odd/even numbers doesn’t mean you’re making the right choices.
To get an accurate combinatorial and probability analysis of the lottery, we must combine odd/even and low/high numbers.
So, using a Lotterycodex calculator, we divide the numbers into four sets: LOW-ODD, LOW-EVEN, HIGH-ODD, and HIGH ODD.
Below is an example of a Lotterycodex combinatorial design for a 6/49 lottery game.

Using these Lotterycodex sets, a calculator will produce 84 templates, where only three are dominant. See The Proven Lottery Formula Using Combinatorics and Probability Theory.

Generated by Lotterycodex Calculator
With Lotterycodex, you will immediately see which one dominates. This should give you a simple way to make informed choices when playing a lottery game.
Don’t Be Afraid to Skip Some Draws
Once you’ve chosen your template, you must understand the frequency ratio. The ratio will tell you exactly how a random lottery draw will behave over time. For instance, if your template occurred yesterday, it may occur again in the next draw, although it’s highly unlikely. The important thing is that a lottery game can be deterministic over time. Don’t be afraid to skip some draws because the frequency ratio will guide you accordingly.
Look at the table below.

Generated by Lotterycodex Calculator
Notice from the table above that Template #1 only occurs 6 times in 100 draws. This is due to its frequency ratio of 1:16, which indicates that for every 17 draws, you get one favorable shot and 16 unfavorable. So, as a player, template #9 should not be played every draw.
Follow the Plan Consistently
You know the strategy—you’ve got to play more lines to increase your chances of winning the jackpot. If possible, buy more lotto tickets to strategically trap the winning numbers using a lottery wheel. This strategy is powerful, especially if you’re playing as a group.
Of course, the budget. I can’t highly stress enough the importance of budgeting. When I talk about budgeting, I mean saving extra money for entertainment. The lottery is only entertainment. It can never be a source of full-time income.
When you have enough savings, enough lines, and great timing, go ahead and play according to the game plan.
The jackpot prize may keep increasing because no one is winning the big prize. This makes the jackpot prize bigger than the previous one. But it would be best to never look at the jackpot prize to affect your action. Whether it’s the minimum jackpot prize or higher, play the lottery with the money you save. When the jackpot is huge, a horde of players rushes to the lotto station to play.2 The possibility of sharing your big prize is highly likely.
Please Sign Your Ticket
If you sign your ticket, no one can steal it from you. A lotto ticket is a bearer instrument, meaning anyone can claim the prize. However, if you sign your name, only you can claim the prize upon presenting a valid ID.
Unlock Lottery Success with Proven Math-Based and Data-Driven Insights
Access Lotterycodex now!Play the lottery and Think Like a Winner
Additionally, when you play the lottery, do it with a positive outlook that you will win. Think positive. I don’t want to be superstitious, but thinking negatively won’t do any good either. This is the lottery, and you are playing to have fun. It’s not fun when you worry about not winning. Part of the fun is the excitement that you will possibly win the grand prize. So when you are at it, claim it. If you lose, come back another day. The most important thing here is the fun.

If you know that you have chosen the dominant composition in the lottery, you are confident with your play.
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