Lotterycodex Doesn’t Need a Mailing List, And Here’s Why


It takes a huge mailing list to have a successful website. Or does it?

Many internet marketers say that you have to build a list if you want people to pay attention to your work. Why? Because on the Internet, where everyone can be overloaded with too much information, you have to be pushy. Huh!

I’ve personally experienced this kind of pushiness. I have subscribed to a lot of newsletters that are simply swarming my inbox with a lot of stuff I don’t care about.

It’s affecting my productivity.1 So, naturally, what’s bad for me is also not good for my customers.

I am not saying building a mailing list is such a bad idea. I’m just saying that this marketing tool is not being used properly. So it’s weird to check your inbox nowadays and have it not hook you with lots of clickbait.2

The Internet should be used to improve your productivity, not ruin it. And I don’t want to be part of a community where you can only contribute more to the confusion of the netizens. This is why every page on this website doesn’t hit you with a pop-up.

Of course, having a mailing list is great for some niches, for example, an e-commerce site where wives shop frequently, and a bargain sale is damn necessary for saving money. But in the case of Lotterycodex, it’s been successful even without a mailing list.

And I think my readers are loving it. For example, this article that shares how to win the lottery provides almost an hour of reading time but never interrupts readers to share their emails and continue reading.

Another one, The Winning Lottery Formula Using Math, has been getting a lot of attention in recent years. The lotto-playing fans appreciate that I didn’t put this special report behind email signup.

Through Email, Not Through Mailing List

Over the years of running Lotterycodex, I realized I don’t need to build a list to make a big difference. I discovered that if your content is useful enough, people will gladly give you the attention you deserve.

Visitors send me emails with questions, and I reply. I earned friends by helping them with all my might. I think I am building a relationship with many lotto players in 219 countries with this one-on-one personal interaction.

There’s so much human interest in what lotto players are sharing when they contact you personally. I can relate, and their stories touch me in ways that are too hard to explain. If used correctly, this email technology is a great tool for marketing your work.

I am surprised that a lot of lotto players are clueless, so it’s an honor to share a thing or two and make their feelings a little bit more comfortable. So, my contents are intended to explore the mathematical possibilities directly applied to the lottery and show the lotto-playing community what’s achievable and glaringly impossible.

I’ve learned that when you put so much effort into producing content useful to a specific group of people, you really don’t need to push your work to get some attention. In fact, they will demand that you produce more. And if you wow the readers well enough, they will come back to you to learn more.

Even without mailing list, most of my customers are returning to buy some more.

That I don’t need to impress, I just share some useful stuff. I find the majority of the visitors appreciate it when I write with honesty. (Read these lottery tips to see what I mean by being useful and honest.)

This brings me to a key takeaway. A mailing list is a “nice-to-have,” but it’s not an all-important necessity to make my message resonate with my targetted audience. The website is all I need. I need to put more useful content on it and reply to queries. Let people go and check my work at their own perfect time and mood.

Plus, I get some benefit from not having to worry about audience sensitivity. For one, this website deals with the subject of lottery, which is still considered gambling.

Like I said, and I reiterate, netizens are already losing focus on what they do online. It’s like 50% of their time is wasted each time they open their inbox, and it’s better if I don’t add up.

My stat shows that visitors are reading posts, stay long enough, and keep coming back. Just letting the visitors find that perfect time to engage and re-engage with the content at their own pace. And if that’s not enough, the contact form is there to ask me.

So, I don’t think Lotterycodex needs to build an email list.

Additional Resources

  1. How Email Made You Less Productive    []
  2. Misinformation and Disinformation: Thinking Critically about Information Sources    []

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