How to Win the UK Lotto According to Math

Learning how to win the UK Lotto requires understanding combinatorial and probability theory. My analysis of the UK Lotto 6/59 shows that three combinatorial groups exhibit a favorable frequency ratio despite all combinations having equal probability.

This article explores a mathematical strategy based on these varying frequency ratios among combinatorial groups.

But before discussing the details, we must understand the challenges of winning a lottery. Once we understand how the UK Lotto game works, we can make informed choices based on what’s mathematically achievable within the game’s framework.

Let’s begin.

The Odds Of Winning The UK Lotto

Many UK players rely on statistics to identify hot and cold numbers, and some players use superstition to play the lottery.

The UK Lotto’s 6/59 format produces a total of 45,057,474 possible combinations. Therefore, your chance of winning this game is 1 in 45 million. Consequently, winning the jackpot in a 6/59 game format is one of the hardest in the world. So, someone will win the next jackpot, and it may not be you.

In simple terms, on average, you have 45,057,474 attempts to win the jackpot. If you play 100 tickets every week, then it takes 450,575 weeks to win. That means more than 8,665 years to hit the jackpot.

Of course, you can also win five more likely prizes besides the jackpot. On average, the UK Lotto game offers a 1 in 9.3 chance of winning any prize based on the official odds and prizes table.1

The probability of a single ticket not winning any prize is 0.8925. Consequently, the probability that you lose by buying nth tickets is this number raised to the power of n.

For example, to determine the probability of losing twice in a row, we calculate 0.8925 raised to the power of 2.

P(losing twice) = 0.89252 tickets = 0.79650826685166

Based on the formula above, you get a 50/50 chance of winning any prize if you buy about 6 or 7 tickets. To get a 99.99% chance of winning a prize in the UK Lotto game, you must buy at least 81 tickets.

P(winning any prize) = 1 – 0.892581 tickets

Unfortunately, this 99.99% will most likely guarantee you a Free Lotto Lucky Dip because the probability is leaning towards the lowest-tier prize. In short, you can’t profit by playing the lottery unless you win the jackpot.

As you probably noticed by now, the expected value of the UK Lotto game is negative.

Many experts say that you are more likely to get killed by a shark than to win the UK Lotto.2 But understand that if you don’t swim in the ocean, the possibility that you get killed by a shark is impossible.

That brings me to my point: To win the UK Lotto, you have to be in it to win it.

So, how do you win the UK Lotto?

Let’s continue.

The Power of a Mathematical Strategy

Did you know buying more tickets is the only way to increase your chance of winning the UK Lotto?

However, buying many tickets is useless if you don’t understand the math behind it.

Let me explain.

Take a look at the following combinations:

1-11-21-31-41-51All numbers ending in 1
15-15-25-35-45-55All numbers ending in 5
9-19-29-39-49-59All numbers ending in 9
10-20-30-40-50-59All numbers ending in 0 except the last one
2-12-22-32-42-52All numbers ending in 2

If I ask you to spend your money on those five combinations, will you do it?

I do not know about you, but I have asked many people, and none replied positively.3

But why? If all combinations in the UK Lotto are equally likely to win, why hesitate to spend your money on those combinations?4

Most people trust their gut feelings, and that’s fine.

But when playing the lottery, you should base your choices on well-informed and calculated guesses that complement your intuition.

Let me present an evidence-based strategy to help you understand why you feel good about certain combinations and bad with others.5

There is a mathematical explanation for avoiding and choosing certain groups. Read How to Win the Lottery According to Math

That said, I would like to introduce you to the concept of frequency ratio.

Frequency Ratio: Understanding Your Advantage

You heard the old saying, “You cannot beat the odds of the lottery” and “You cannot manipulate the outcome of a random lottery game.

Just because those sayings are true does not mean all hope is lost. You can win the UK Lotto if you understand your odds.

Certainly, you have the power to make informed choices.

In the context of a lottery game, the strategy is choosing better odds that work for you. One of the secrets to winning is understanding the difference between odds and probability.

In mathematics, odds and probability are two different terms.6 They are not mathematically equivalent.

We use probability to measure the likelihood of an event. We express this mathematically using the following formula:

The probability formula is expressed mathematically as the number of favorable combinations over the number of total combinations.

Meanwhile, we use odds to describe the relationship between the probability of winning and the probability of losing. We express this mathematically using the following formula:

Odds compare the number of favorable events with the number of ways you don't get favorable events.

In simple terms, the odds refer to the number of ways you succeed and the number of ways you fail. In probability theory, we call this “odds in favor.”

While all combinations have the same probability, combinations are not created equally because of varying compositions. Here in Lotterycodex, we organize compositions into combinatorial groups based on their corresponding odds.

However, odds are a generic term associated with winning and losing, which may create confusion when applied to combinatorial groups.

To maintain consistency and avoid ambiguity, I use the term “frequency ratio” to highlight the odds and at the same time, emphasize the frequency of occurrence of each group, offering a clear representation of favorable shots rather than framing it as winning or losing.

This frequency ratio is important when making informed choices if you aim to win the UK Lotto.

For example, there are 475,020 ways to combine 6-even numbers (no odd numbers). This composition will give you a frequency ratio of 1 to 94 (1:94).

Odds(0-odd-6-even) = 475,020 / 44,582,454 = 1/93.85

The 1:94 ratio means a 6-even composition is expected to occur only once in 95 draws. It’s worth noting that this ratio indicates the composition’s relative frequency. In short, a 6-even composition will approach this limit as lottery draws take place infinitely.

As a lotto player, you don’t want to spend your money on 95 draws to get one favorable shot. If you intend to play the lottery long-term, you certainly don’t want to give yourself only 10 favorable shots after spending on 1,000 draws.

On the other hand, there are 14,835,240 ways to combine 3-odd and 3-even numbers. This composition will give you a frequency ratio of 1:2.

This means a 3-odd-3-even composition is expected to occur about 33 times in 100 draws. Hence, this composition will give you 33 favorable shots in 100 attempts.

As a UK Lotto player, you should choose the one that will give you more favorable shots to win.

Below is how the two compositions differ when compared side by side:

In the UK Lotto 6/49 game, a 6-even composition has 1:94 ratio. Then, the 3-odd-3-even composition has 1:2 ratio.

When selecting numbers, the first thing you should check is the composition’s frequency ratio. You cannot change the underlying probability, and you cannot beat the lottery’s odds, but to win the UK Lotto, you can calculate possible outcomes of the game and make informed choices.

Comparing Theory and the UK Lotto Actual Draws

The UK Lotto game demonstrates a consistent trend when examined over many draws. This inevitably happens even though each draw is probabilistically independent. According to the law of large numbers, as the number of draws increases, the game’s outcomes align with the expected trend predicted by probability theory.7

The image of randomness shows streaks and clusters.
This random nature of the game offers valuable clues for developing a more strategic approach to selecting numbers. Learn more: A Truly Random Lottery with a Deterministic Outcome

876 draws have occurred in the UK Lotto from October 10, 2015, to March 16, 2024.

We get the expected frequency of each composition by multiplying the probability by the number of draws.

Expected Frequency = Probability x 876 draws

In the case of 3-odd-3-even, the expected frequency is 288.

Expected frequency = 0.3292514800097320 x 876 = 288

Doing the same computation for the rest of the composition, we will come up with the following comparison graph below:

UK Odd/Even Analysis updated as of March 16, 2024. The UK Lotto's 876 Actual Draws from October 10, 2015 to March 16, 2024 shows close agreement between prediction and actual results.

The graph above shows that there is a close match between the estimated frequency and the actual frequency. This agreement proves that the UK Lotto is subordinate to the dictate of probability.

The probability calculation shows that the 3-odd-3-even composition must occur 288 times; the historical draws show 267 times.

And our estimate tells us that the 6-even-0-odd may appear nine times; it occurred seven times.

Notice the disparity of frequency between a 6-even composition and a 3-even-3-odd composition. This difference suggests that your number-selection strategy greatly impacts your probability of winning when you play the UK Lotto long enough.

Let’s assume that out of the 876 UK Lottery draws since October 10, 2015, you haven’t missed a single draw and throughout that entire time, you have been playing a 6-even combination. It turns out you only had 7 favorable shots.

Of course, we cannot expect the probability to be exact. However, the outcome of the comparison graph suggests that the UK Lottery game is headed down a certain path.

According to the law of large numbers, the agreement between probability predictions and actual results will become more evident as the number of draws continues.

Now, here is the question.

If all combinations are equally likely, why is there such a variation in the frequency of each composition?

Let’s explain that using the probability theory.

When we divide the numbers into odd and even sets, a truly random lottery game spreads the probability between these two sets. It will not favor the odd set or the even set.

This equal probability between two sets explains why it’s rare for the UK Lotto game to draw a winning combination of purely even numbers or odd numbers. That’s why most winning combinations are composed of 3-odd and 3-even numbers.

It’s a mathematical certainty.

As a UK Lotto player, you should follow the same behavior of the lottery game to get the best shot possible.

Here at Lotterycodex, we use that frequency ratio to help players make informed choices based on that random behavior.

However, there’s more to lottery games than just odd and even.

Deep within the finite structure of the UK Lotto system are layers of combinatorial compositions that can be the clue to your lottery success. Read The Winning Lottery Formula Using Math.

How to Choose the Best UK Lotto Numbers

Working with odd-even selection can pose a big issue, especially if we want to be more precise and accurate with our analysis.

For example, 1-2-3-4-5-6 belongs to the composition 3-odd-3-even, but notice that it belongs to the 6-low-0-high group and is therefore considered a poor composition.

Probabilistically speaking, a composition of pure low numbers cannot have a favorable frequency ratio because a truly random game will not favor low numbers over high numbers. A random game always spreads the probability evenly between low and high numbers.

Therefore, a winning combination of purely low numbers rarely occurs in the UK Lotto draws.

As you can see, a combinatorial8 and probability9 analysis can be problematic if not done correctly.

We must consider proper probability distribution across the number field to achieve accuracy and consistent conclusions when measuring frequency ratios.

Therefore, combining odd/even and low/high sets into a single combinatorial and probability analysis is the solution.

We use the following Lotterycodex sets for the UK Lotto’s number field:

Using the Lotterycodex analysis, the UK Lotto 6/59 game is divided into four sets: LOW-ODD, LOW-EVEN, HIGH-ODD, and HIGH-EVEN.

Generated by Lotterycodex Calculator

Using these number sets, we ensure that the probability is spread evenly across the number field. This equal distribution will accurately represent the UK Lotto’s random behavior.

Based on Lotterycodex analysis, only three templates out of 84 exhibit a favorable frequency ratio. They are templates #1, #2, and #3. These templates are considered the dominant group because they will dominate the 6/59 game according to the law of large numbers.

To win the UK Lotto game, you must familiarize yourself with these three templates. You can use a Lotterycodex calculator to guide you in the number selection process.

This image describes the Lotterycodex groups for a 6/59 lottery game. The dominant group is composed of templates #1, #2, and #3

Generated by Lotterycodex Calculator

Predicting the UK Lotto

Use the calculator below to see a visual graph of how the UK Lotto will behave over time based on the law of large numbers.

How to Win the UK Lotto Game

I can almost guarantee that some players choose template #75 or template #84 without realizing it. You may be one of them.

The fact is that you can’t fix something you don’t know exists.

These Lotterycodex templates will guide you in making informed choices. Lotterycodex calculates all the distinct templates in your game and presents them on a silver platter.

According to the law of large numbers, templates #1, #2, and #3 will dominate the UK lottery draws and continue to dominate as the number of draws grows.

The image below will tell how a 6/59 lottery game will behave over time:

This image shows how Lotterycodex analysis predicts the outcome of a 6/59 game over time. Templates #1 occurs 5 times in 100 draws, 103 times in 2000 draws, and 257 in 5000 draws. Meanwhile, templates #84 is not expected to occur even in 5000 draws.

Generated by Lotterycodex Calculator

According to our combinatorial and probability analysis, certain groups will dominate the game. As a UK Lotto player, you should choose your numbers based on these dominant groups to get the best chance.

For example, template #84 is not expected to occur in 5000 draws. If you want to win the UK Lotto, you should avoid choosing numbers based on this template.

Mathematics doesn’t lie.

Remember that buying more tickets is the only way to increase your chances of winning the UK Lotto game. This strategy can be very effective if you use a lottery wheel. A Lotterycodex calculator can help you perform lottery wheeling and then separate combinations into templates so you can make better decisions when playing.

Millions of combinations in the UK Lotto game don’t have a favorable frequency ratio. How do you know your combination is not one of them?

Unlock Lottery Success with Proven Math-Based and Data-Driven Insights

Access Lotterycodex now!

UK Lottery FAQs

What are the overall odds of winning any prize in the UK Lotto?

Your overall odds are approximately 1 in 9.3. It means that you win a prize for every 9.3 tickets. This calculation reflects what you get on average if you play the game in the long run. However, you will likely win a lower-tier prize because the probability leans toward a smaller payout.

What are the odds of winning the UK Lotto jackpot?

There are 45,057,474 possible combinations in a 6/59 game, so your odds of winning are 1 in 45 million.

Will buying more tickets increase my chances of winning the UK Lotto?

Yes. More tickets give you more opportunities to match prizes. If you are lucky, this may potentially bring the jackpot home. However, not all combinations have the same frequency ratios, so buying more tickets may be ineffective without informed choices. Lotterycodex suggests using a lottery wheel when buying multiple tickets for a more strategic approach.

How can one predict the UK Lotto game?

We can predict which combinatorial groups will dominate over time based on the law of large numbers. While calculations can help you focus on combinations with better frequency ratios, they do not guarantee a win. The outcome of a lottery draw is truly random, and no method can precisely foretell the winning numbers.

Explore more:


  1. UK Lotto Odds and Prizes    []
  2. Risk of Death: 18 Things More Likely to Kill You Than Sharks    []
  3. When to Trust Your Gut    []
  4. Developing Your Intuition For Math    []
  5. Do The Math, Then Burn The Math and Go With Your Gut    []
  6. What is the difference between odds and probability?    []
  7. Law of Large Numbers    []
  8. Combinatorics    []
  9. Probability Theory    []

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