How to Win Tattslotto According to Math

Want to learn how to win Tattslotto? If so, let me explain a mathematical strategy that works. We will also clarify some common myths and superstitions about the game.

Before we discuss the nitty-gritty, we need to understand the odds of winning the game and its associated challenges. Knowing the rules is crucial so we can make smarter choices rather than picking numbers randomly or believing in myths. Eventually, you will learn a Tattslotto strategy based on what is mathematically achievable within the game’s framework.

Interested? Let’s dive right in.

how to win Tattslotto 6/45 according to Mathematics

The Odds of Winning Tattslotto Game

Tattslotto is an Australian lottery favorite, with many names in different states. The heart of Tattslotto is in the simplicity of the drawing process: six numbers and two supplementary numbers are drawn randomly from a number range from 1 to 45.

Fortunately, you only need to match the six winning numbers to win the jackpot. The odds are 1 to 8,145,060. In comparison to Australian Powerball, Tattslotto offers more favorable odds to players.

However, the odds of 1 to 8 million are still monumental, so comparatively, you have a better chance of becoming one of the honorable representatives in the Australian Parliament than winning Tattslotto.

On a brighter note, you can also win more likely prizes if you match 3 to 5 numbers, offering a 1 in 42.34 chance of winning something based on the official odds and prizes.1.

The chance of a single ticket not winning anything is 0.9764. The likelihood of losing n times is this number raised to the power of n.

P(losing nth times) = 0.9764n tickets

To achieve a 50/50 shot at winning any prize, you may purchase around 29 tickets. Buying 385 tickets will guarantee a 99.99% certainty of winning a prize.

P(winning any prize) = 1 – 0.9764385 tickets

However, this 99.99% guarantee will likely give you the lowest prize.

This graphical illustration demonstrates the balance of probabilities between winning any prize and not winning, with the point of equilibrium requiring the purchase of about 29 tickets for a 50% success rate. Buying 67 tickets will give you 80% of success. 96 tickets will give 90% and 385 tickets will give 100% success rate of winning any prize.

As you can see, winning smaller prizes is already a tough challenge, let alone the jackpot. Therefore, be wary if someone sells you a strategy where you make a profit by winning smaller prizes more frequently. The expected value of the lottery is always negative.

Be Mathematical to Win Tattslotto

How to win Tattslotto? Buying more tickets is the only way to increase your probability of winning. And when I say “the only way,” it means no other way.

But buying more tickets can be useless if you don’t know what you are doing.

Look at these combinations:

5-10-15-20-25-30multiples of five
1-2-21-22-31-32three sets of consecutive numbers
1-2-11-12-21-22digits are restricted to one and two
01-05-15-25-35-45almost all numbers ending in five
31-32-33-34-35-36all numbers start with the number three

Most people believe that all combinations have the same probability.

But let me ask you, “Will you purchase five tickets using those previously mentioned combinations?

I have asked many lotto players, and none are willing to take the risk.2 They probably think that their ability to win Tattslotto will be reduced significantly.

Even though they believe all combinations share the same probability of winning, in reality, their intuition “screams” and says those combinations are not the most sensible choices they can make.3

Gut feelings are much stronger than their understanding of mathematics.4

You see, there must be a calculated explanation supporting your gut feeling as to why you choose some combinations and avoid others.

Fortunately, combinatorial mathematics and probability theory will help you understand how balls behave at random, aiding you in making informed choices. Read The Winning Lottery Formula Using Math.

The Right Mathematical Tools to Analyze a 6/45 Game

Many Tattslotto players think statistics can help. They check historical results and make predictions from their observations.

In one popular application, lotto players use statistics and try to win Tattslotto using hot and cold numbers. However, this statistical method tricks them into thinking something works until enough data proves it wrong.

So, if statistics won’t provide the best clue for winning, what will?

Understanding the behavior of the balls during a draw is important. we use the tools of combinatorial mathematics5 and probability theory.6

Statistics and probability are two fields of mathematics that deal with problems differently.7

It would help if you first looked at the given facts whenever there’s a question to solve. Depending on the available information, the problem is either probabilistic8 or statistical. If some data are unknown, we resort to sampling and do the usual statistical analysis.9

But since Tattslotto game has a finite set, we know exactly the composition of the game and how the balls behave in a truly random draw.

In the Tattslotto game, it is known that 23 numbers are odd and 22 are even.

If we divide the number field into two, we know that low numbers are from 1 to 23 and high numbers are from 24 to 45.

Therefore, all questions we ask about Tattslotto are combinatorial and probability problems to solve rather than statistical. And we don’t need sampling or collecting the past 100 results to understand the game.

The way to deal with a lottery problem is to ask a question such as:

“What’s the probability that 2-4-6-8-10-12 will win in the next draw?”

Mathematically, we can rephrase this question in the following way:

“What’s the probability that the next winning numbers are six even numbers and all low numbers?”

And voila, you get the answer. That’s what makes you an intelligent Tattslotto player. Winning Tattslotto is about making informed choices.

Players Must Focus on the Odds

Mathematically speaking, all numbers have the same probability. Hot and cold numbers don’t exist in the Tattslotto game.

Like numbers, all combinations are equally likely because there’s only one way to win the jackpot.

the formula for the probability of winning the jackpot is one favorable event divided by all possible combinations.

Therefore, no matter what you do, you can’t change the underlying probability.

So, what can we do if all combinations have the same probability?

The answer is to check your advantage with the help of the frequency ratio.

Let me explain.

First, odds and probability are two different terms and are not mathematically equivalent.10

When you try to win the game, the primary thing you need to know is not about your probability of winning but your odds of winning.

We calculate the odds using the following formula:

Odds is equal to the number of favorable combinations over the difference between the total number of combinations and the favorable combinations

In simple terms, odds define your advantage by comparing the number of ways you achieve favorable shots to the number of ways you don’t. Read The Lotto Secret: Master the Math of Winning

To learn how to win Tattslotto, determining the ratio of favorable shots to unfavorable shots is a very important strategy. Odds refers to the number of ways you will succeed over the number of ways you will fail.

You cannot change the underlying probability or beat the odds of the Tattslotto game. But knowing how to win Tattslotto entails making informed choices based on the odds that works for you.

While all combinations are equally likely, all hope is not lost. In reality, combinations are not created equally because of varying compositions. And compositions have varying odds or frequency ratios.

Here in Lotterycodex, we organize compositions into combinatorial groups. However, odds are normally associated with winning and losing, which may create confusion when applied to combinatorial compositions. To maintain consistency, we use frequency ratio to highlight each group’s odds and frequency of occurrence, offering a clear representation of favorable shots rather than framing it as winning or losing.

Playing Tattslotto With Intelligent Choices

Let me show how frequency ratios work when making choices and how this ratio helps you understand the mathematical reason behind every decision.

Let’s consider two combinatorial groups: one is a 0-odd-6-even composition, and another is a 3-odd-3-even composition.

Let’s compare the differences side by side, as shown in the table below:

If you want to know how to win Tattslotto 6/45 Game, it's important to understand varying frequency ratios within combinatorial groups. This table shows 3-odd-3-even group has more favorable shots than the 0-odd-6-even group. With the 3-odd-3-even group, you have 1 favorable shot in 3 attempts. With 0-odd-6-even group, you have 1 favorable shot in 109 attempts.

The table above shows that the 3-odd and 3-even composition offers a more favorable frequency ratio. In this group, the 1:2 ratio means you get 33 favorable shots in 100 draws.

Comparatively, the 0-odd-6-even groups will only give you one favorable shot in 100 draws.

As a Tattslotto player, you don’t want to spend your money on 100 draws to get just one favorable shot to win the jackpot. Learning how to win Tattslotto requires understanding the frequency ratio associated with your chosen composition.

Knowing this frequency ratio is crucial in making well-informed decisions when playing the lottery.

That’s the power of precise combinatorial and probability calculations. You can calculate the possible outcomes and make informed choices based on what is most favorable to you. If you fully understand the mathematical logic behind your choices, you won’t rely on gut feelings anymore.

The Tattslotto Game is Subordinate to the Law of Large Numbers

Each Tattslotto draw is random and independent. So, the past lottery draws will not affect the succeeding draws. But looking at the game from many draws shows a predictable behavior. This happens because the whole game is subject to the law of large numbers. This law states that the outcome of any lottery game must follow the dictate of the probability theory.11

The image of randomness shows streaks and clusters.
The image shows that a random lottery game’s behavior can be described in streaks and clusters. This behavior might offer clues for making more calculated choices when selecting numbers. Learn more: A Truly Random Lottery with a Deterministic Outcome.

Mathematics does not lie. Let’s examine the Tattslotto game based on its historical results.

The table below compares the mathematical expectation and the actual frequency of the Tattslotto game from January 7, 2006, to March 16, 2024.

We compute the expected frequency using the formula below:

Expected Frequency = Probability X 949 draws

Focusing on specifics, the 3-odd-3-even group is predicted to occur 318 times, as computed below:

Expected Frequency(3-odd-3-even) = 0.3348459 x 949 = 318

Lastly, here is the complete comparison table:

Tattslotto odd/even analysis updated March 16, 2024. This is the Tattslotto odd-even analysis with 949 draws.  The graph shows apparent agreement between prediction and actual draws. It's important to understand that probability prediction is part of the process in knowing how to win Tattslotto

The graph shows that prediction and actual results are very close. It proves that the Tattslotto follows the dictate of probability based on the law of large numbers.

Fortunately, if you want to know how to win Tattslotto, you can use mathematics to predict the general outcome of the game and create a strategy that works for you. Thanks to Probability.

The Lotterycodex Analysis of a 6/45 Game

In the lottery, doing probability analysis can prove problematic if you employ the wrong method.

Not all combinations of the 3-odd-3-even composition give you a favorable frequency ratio.

For example, 1-2-3-4-5-6 belongs to the 3-odd-3-even group.

According to our probability analysis, 1-2-3-4-5-6 cannot be a dominant composition and thus will not give you a favorable frequency ratio.

It’s essential to apply combinatorial and probability analysis methodically, ensuring that the outcomes accurately represent the game’s random behavior.

Seeing that, Lotterycodex combines odd/even and low/high numbers in one combinatorial analysis. As a result, this analysis determines groups of compositions we call templates that will guide Tattslotto players in making informed choices.

Using Lotterycodex, the Tattslotto game is divided into four sets:

The Lotterycodex sets for a 6/45 Game. The number field are divided into four sets of low-odd, low-even, high-odd, and high-even.

Generated by Lotterycodex Calculator

Looking into all 45 numbers combinatorially, we can see complex compositions that help us separate dominant groups from rare ones.

Tattslotto has 84 Lotterycodex templates. Each template defines the composition of each group, along with their corresponding frequency ratio and expected frequency.

According to Lotterycodex analysis of the 6/45 game, Template #1 will always dominate the game according to the law of large numbers.

Generated by Lotterycodex Calculator

Lotterycodex divides the Tattslotto templates into three groups according to their varying frequency ratios, as shown in the table below.

a 6/45 lottery game is divided into three Lotterycodex groups namely: Dominant, Occasional, and Uncommon. There are only 3 templates under dominant group.

Generated by Lotterycodex Calculator

You can make well-informed choices when playing Tattslotto based on the templates. We created a Lotterycodex calculator to bring this mathematical strategy to you on a silver platter.

Predicting Tattslotto According to the Law of Large Numbers

Use the calculator below to predict the likely behavior of Tattslotto in 5000 draws and visually see how templates behave over time.

How to Win Tattslotto Game

Two methods can increase your chances of winning the Tattslotto.

First, buying more tickets is the basic way, and you can do it either by randomly picking numbers or using a quick pick machine. The second is using a lottery wheel, which is more effective than random tickets.

Mathematically speaking, the lottery wheel works better because it strategically traps the winning numbers in a lottery draw, an advantage not available when buying tickets randomly.

The Lotterycodex calculator helps you implement this wheeling system into your play. It is the only lottery wheel in the market today that calculates varying frequency ratios, aiding you in making smarter selections.

Without a mathematical guide, it’s difficult to know if you’re picking combinations that will give you one favorable shot after 10,000 draws. As a Tattslotto player, you don’t want to wait that long to win.

Many players search for different methods to win the Tattslotto game. They often fall on something outright superstitious, such as using lucky numbers, hot and cold numbers, psychic prediction, divine spells, dream interpretation, horoscope reading, etc.

There are many different ways lotto players fumble around their strategy. Ensure to pick one that works.

Finally, you don’t need to be a math prodigy. You can use the Lotterycodex calculator, so you don’t have to do all the heavy combinatorial and probability calculations. You can use the lotto number generator without knowing the nitty-gritty aspect of combinatorial math and probability theory.

Unlock Lottery Success with Proven Math-Based and Data-Driven Insights

Access Lotterycodex now!

Share Your Thoughts About This Game

Do you know how to win Tattslotto? I invite you to share your thoughts by leaving your comments below. Let’s discuss the many different ways to win the game.

What are the odds of winning the Tattslotto?

The odds of winning the Tattslotto jackpot, which requires matching all six main numbers, are 1 in 8,145,060.

Do supplementary numbers impact Tattslotto jackpot odds?

No. Since the supplementary numbers are drawn from the same drum, they do not affect the odds of winning the jackpot. The main purpose of these supplementary numbers is to offer additional lower-tier prizes.

How do we improve our chances of winning the Tattslotto?

The only way to increase the probability of winning is to purchase more tickets. However, buying tickets can be ineffective if you’re not doing it strategically. When selecting numbers, consider your frequency ratio to get more favorable shots. Moreover, the best strategy is always to play as a group and use a lottery wheel to trap the winning numbers.

How does Lotterycodex help Tattslotto players?

Lotterycodex provides information, helping you see choices that may lead you closer to winning the jackpot. We do not focus on individual numbers but rather on composition. Combinations have different compositions with varying frequency ratios. This ratio helps you weigh your options and make informed choices as you optimize your play for more favorable shots.

The history of Tattslotto, from being a health system fundraiser in Australia to one of the country’s most popular lotteries, is evidence of its appeal and hope to many. It could be the excitement of the draw or the dream of winning the jackpot. Tattslotto continues to capture the hearts of Australians, promising life-changing wins. Let the games inspire you to dream big, but remember to gamble responsibly. You are welcome to share your experiences. Thank you for reading 🙂

Explore more:


  1. Australian 6/45 Prize Division    []
  2. Developing Your Intuition For Math    []
  3. Do The Math, Then Burn The Math and Go With Your Gut    []
  4. When to Trust Your Gut    []
  5. Combinatorics    []
  6. Probability Theory    []
  7. Probability versus Statistics    []
  8. How Likely Something is to Happen    []
  9. Sampling in Statistics: Different Sampling Methods, Types & Error    []
  10. What is the difference between odds and probability?    []
  11. Law of Large Numbers    []

13 thoughts on “How to Win Tattslotto According to Math”

  1. Hi Edvin:
    I have been thinking, reading and doing the math about what would be best. Once I have chosen some combinations from the first 4 patterns, what would you consider the best approach mathematically and probabilistically speaking. Pick new combinations for every draw or keep using the same combinations for every draw.

  2. Each lottery draw is considered independent. In the study of probability, this is called an “independent event.” So it doesn’t matter whether you pick a new combination or keep the same combination each time. If you know you are using the best combinations with a better covering, keep playing the same list.

  3. Hello and thankyou for this insightful and enlightening read. I wanted to ask if you can provide more guideance on systems plays and their influence on outcomes?

  4. Hi. Could you please help me to find and download 3 best patterns. I couldn’t find the right app on appstore. Thx alot

  5. Hello,
    Inquiring about the Lotterycodex calclator; I am in Missouri, and I would like to know if you have a version that would be compatible with the Missouri Lotto 6/44 game. Please let me know the cost.

    Thank you,

  6. Hi Sue, I’ve run into the same problem, I wrote a small program in Python that I could feed in the results of a wheeling system (list of generated games) and eliminate those games that didn’t conform to certain criteria such as high/low, odd/even, limit consecutive numbers and excluding game number sums that fall outside srd deviation ranges, I’ve run these against the Aust Mon Wed draws (5/45) and used the full wheel for a guaranteed 2 if 6 and found that the 2 if 6 wheel on Sat lotto wins something better than half the time although I still make a loss in most cases as I will only win the bottom prize which is worth about half what my entry costs (cost $15.70 vs wins about $7 – $9) whereas the Mon and Wed draws which start with the same wheeling system but reduced as above rarely wins anything, admittedly those only cost about $6 and the prize structure is a bit different with the lowest prize being a little harder to win but even allowing for that the equivalent “wins” are much rarer (maybe 1 in 8).

  7. I understand how to calculate the division one chances in 6/45 tattslotto division one as 45x44x43x42x41x40 / 6x5x4x3x2x1 = 8,145,000 but what are the formulas for 5/45, 4/45, 3/45 . If you can help please keep it as easy as possible. Thank you, Trevor.

  8. Entering with number combinations (like 1,2,3,4,5,6; for example) has precisely the same chance as ANY other number combination. Sure, your “gut” might tell you it’s not sensible to choose obviously ordered numbers; but you should also realise that your intuition is simply giving you an insight into how unlikely EVERY number combination is.

    Look at the obviously ordered entry of numbers… feel how unlikely they are to win; then look at the random entry and realise they have EXACTLY the same chance of winning as the ordered entry. Because there are just SO MANY more possible random sets than recognisable ordered sets to choose from.

    Just because you can’t recognise an ordered pattern in a set of random numbers doesn’t magically, or mathematically make them more likely to win. Yes… a set of random numbers is more likely to win than a set of ordered numbers. That doesn’t mean YOUR selection of random numbers is any more likely to win.

  9. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I see we’re touching on similar points. As a lottery player, it’s beneficial to consider the success-to-failure ratio. In short, rather than selecting numbers at random, using the S/F ratio as a tool can guide you towards making more informed decisions.

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